Saturday, June 18, 2011

Watch Super 8 Online Free Megavideo

But now, Abrams is reluctantly pulling the curtain. Scenario was presented the key shock to theater owners at their annual convention in Las Vegas CinemaCon with some of the more intimate scenes with young children who make up the cast. "The key today is really to show people who are some of our characters," Abrams said backstage before the presentation of the Paramount on Monday night. "Most people do not even know what Super 8. However, the entire evolution of the film was about the characters first."

For the record, the children, "Super 8" refers not to a hotel chain or a byte of superheroes, but the old 8 mm film cameras VHS predecessor. Almost everyone who grew since then has played with the cameras from their parents and made home movies of Goofy. Why not opt ​​for Abrams in 1979 instead of today, which certainly will not be more ubiquitous cell phone cameras? "I felt a little autobiographical. I felt good," Abrams said, shrugging. "However, it is probably more common than in the 70's and early 80's."

Some of the movies, watched CinemaCon could come from any nostalgic coming-of-age film, Adventureland, or as Stand By Me - laced with bittersweet truth to grow and friendships at that age. But this film is also a raging monster terrorizing the city, take the kids.

Abrams told the gathering of theater owners, had originally planned to make two films: one of his friends making home theater in the 70's, and one in a freak on the loose, a bit like the plot of HE if the alien was the return of the Jedi Rancor monster. (Steven Spielberg is the producer of the film, which takes a lot of mood ET

The monster is hidden in the mystery box Abrams, however. The showcase featured a scene of an attack on a sleepy night shift gas has disappeared from a cop and grinding of a police car, before bursting through the window to shred an unhappy girl committed . The creature is glimpsed only briefly in a low reflection, however, and the rest of its destruction is considered only incidentally or partially hidden in plan, with a window covered by the carnage gas station revolving characters as the camera rises in the night.

The heart and soul, Joe, played by Joel Courtney, is the central character, a man of 14 who wants to help his friend finish his zombie movie, and disagreed with his recently widowed father (Kyle Chandler Light Friday Night), which is also a local girl lawman.The difficult: Elle Fanning co-stars as Alice, who steals his father's car to drive children to the distance, the station abandoned film a scene in his short film. "Alice is very important to Joe. She is the daughter whom he has admired from afar, but has never spoken," said Abrams. "Not only is she going to be in the movie, but worn.'re 14 years the idea of ​​driving anywhere is insane. "In fact, she feels Joe arrives, because she is afraid to tell his father, who was taken by children.

The Author: If Joe is a follower, Charles is the child with the marching orders. Riley played by Griffiths, a boy newly arrived, the cannon with big dreams and even bigger expectations of how friends can help achieve them. "All I care about Charles is his film and the film has a better story and better production values," said Abrams.

Firebug: Carey (Lee Ryan) wants to set things on fire, and is the go-to guy with special effects and fireworks. After a massive train crash kills almost everyone, he is the only one who thought that was cool.

The Extra Man and leading man Martin (bass, Gabriel) is not the brightest bunch, but it seems to be the first time, you could say the film the main character. He is essentially an open mouth, surprised, what is happening around them. And 'entered this duty Preston, played by Zach Mills, who is an amateur actress primary background - only makes the scene look busy. He fills that role in Super 8 as well.

As described in the Abrams film "autobiographical", people who are closest to him?

"A number of them," he said. "I feel like I'm a little bit of them, some here and there smaller. But I really feel that I see the world how the protagonist sees the world. Joe, he is very optimistic and romantic nature, but their heart is uprooted due to the loss of his mother. But I am also very similar to Charles, the boy who makes the film that this kind of intimidation that forced his loser friends in helping to make movies all the time and is a bit unpleasant. "

"All kinds of horror movies and graphic fighting mad and murders, and the monsters and makeup effects," says Abrams. "I was always trying different things, playing a crazy fantasy fights and chases, and people are dying in horrible ways."

They were good, because resources are limited?

"No," Abrams says, finally. "No, no, no, no, no. They were not good at all. They were very bad. And then you look at them years later and are even worse than you remember."

The perception is opposite to the Super 8, which is slowly building a buzz as one of the must-see movies during the summer when it opens June 10. Abrams acknowledged the challenge of marketing the film, which is not a sequel, which is not based on comics or other work, and without big stars. But as the beginning of last year, may be sufficient to push the originality of its blockbuster status.

CinemaCon continues until Thursday evening. Come back for more details on the DreamWorks remake of Fright Night, the adaptation of using steel and Hugh Jackman robotic boxing real drama.